My Mystical Little Boy!

My Mystical Little Boy!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hello Blog World!

This blog is going to be my way of attempting to become more of the person I always wanted to be and the mother I want to be for my son. I have always had great visions of being a super natural, green, laid back person and mother. As life has made a few decisions for me over the last year or two, I've felt like I have gotten away from this and want desperately to get back to it. I have many reasons for wanting this, but mainly I want to pass on a better wold to my son and teach him how to really take good care of the world we live in. I also want him to explore it and enjoy all the aspects of it. I want to improve our "green" imprint on the world. My first goal it to try the small changes challenge I have see on other blogs. I will have to figure out what to try first for February, but I'm thinking of triying the no plastic bags in the house challenge first. I would also love to try family cloth...I doubt my husband would try this, but I think I am the main TP consumer so far since Z-man isn't potty learned yet. I currently use cloth diapers most of the time...I also tried cloth wipes, but never really got into the flow with them...maybe I will try that again with family cloth. Stay tuned.